In Vitebsk were found birch-bark
Diploma, of the late 8 – early 9 century. Was found in 1959 in liberty square. Excavator Yevgeny Frolov completely random dug up the letter. Today it can be seen in the Museum.
The Church, built by Byzantine craftsmen
Church of the Annunciation is one of the oldest in Belarus. Its construction dates back to around 12вв. The temple, not having analogs in Russia was built by Byzantine architects, which is specifically for the erection of the Church brought the princes of Polotsk. The main Uniqueness of the temple walls. The walls are built of alternating horizontal rows of hewn limestone blocks and the thin flat bricks. There are only 2 of these churches in Vitebsk and Constantinople.
It was in Vitebsk was first used plaster bandage
Carl Pimental, it was the name of the doctor-innovator, who first proposed to apply the gypsum bandage in the medicine. However his idea was not supported. And she went into medical practice a little later. Simental, also came up and part of surgical instruments for removal of gallbladder stone. But perhaps most famously Carl was due to the cholera. Its essence is the division of the city into zones foci of the disease. The system has been successfully applied in many cities.
The Symbol Of The Vitebsk Tram
Do you think in any cities of the Russian Empire was started the first trams? Yes, in Vitebsk, too. It happened in 1898. The first city in Belarus and the fourth in the Russian Empire.
The inventor of the focal-plane shutter of the camera he lived in Vitebsk.
It was in Vitebsk in the late 19th century was mounted photographic shutter, which greatly simplified the process of shooting. Presented his invention of Sigismund Yurkovski in 1882, however, the Ponente did not care and the production of these stoppers was started first in England and then in Germany, and not from us.
The first Belarusian art school was founded in Vitebsk
In 1897 was founded the private Studio of drawing by Yudel pen. The school was situated in the heart of the city. And graduates, it became Marc Chagall, Ossip Zadkine, Lazar Lissitzky, Solomon Yudovin and others.
The first Museum of private collections in Belarus was founded in Vitebsk
The Museum of private collections was based on the collection of Ivan Galkevich, which was donated to the Museum by his widow. Opened in 1993 on the street Dovatora in 2012 was closed. The building was in disrepair and unsafe. Now the exhibits can be seen in the Vitebsk regional local lore Museum.
The oldest in Belarus, the cinema and the first film screening
The oldest in our country, cinema is the Home Cinema! The building is an architectural monument of K. 19. 20 C .
A unique Museum of soldiers-internationalists
A special place in the exhibition devoted to the 103rd guards airborne division, which created a separate mobile brigade
"Slavic Bazaar"
Well as without it. Due to this festival our city is visited by thousands of tourists to see the most interesting cultural phenomenon.